Marie Carroll-O’Sullivan
Marie is a native of The Premier County, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, who blew into Killarney’s Kingdom, Hospitality & Clerically trained in 1997. Marie’s passion for photography was always prominent throughout her life, buying her first proper camera when she was seventeen, with her first paycheque, from a summer position at Offray Ribbon, Roscrea.
Marie set up her social media platform, The Little Memory Gallery, in 2013 which has evolved into full-time employment.
“Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass, it’s about learning to dance in the rain”
~ Vivian Greene.

Marie enjoys offering her photography & storytelling services locally to publications & businesses in Killarney & beyond, covering an array of events, together with personal aspects of people’s everyday lives, including special occasions such as weddings, communions, parties, graduations, newborn photography.
Marie is currently compiling a book "Behind the Mask Killarney" - 'Us' in a Pandemic, an accumulation of photography & stories about people within our community, compiled on a timeline from January - December 2020. Us, our town of Killarney, our lives and the restrictions & life as we knew it….. together, during Covid 19.